These are essential books for the subject of the greyhound! Most or out of print, but possible still available online.
Care of the Racing & Retired Greyhound as mentioned
Anything written by DR. John Kohnke , his books and articles in the Greyhound Star are priceless.
Veterinary Advise for Greyhound owners by John Kohnke
Talking Greyhounds book & video by Dr John Kohnke and Dr Reg Hoskins
K-9 Structure & Terminology by Edward M. Gilbert Jr.
Training and Racing the Greyhound by Darren Morris
George Curtis: Training Greyhounds by Julia Barnes
Charlie Lister on Greyhounds by Julia Barnes
Ger McKenna on Greyhounds by John Martin
All About the Racing Greyhound by Barbara Tompkins
Small Animal Clinical Nutrition by many authors I can't list them all, huge book used by vets
The Greyhound trainer by "THE GUVNOR" MONTAGU - HARRISON
Greyhound Derby: the First 60 Years by ?
Winners Guide to Greyhound Racing by Professor Jones
Guide to Owning a Racing Greyhound by Johanna Beumer
The Dogs: a Personal History of Greyhound Racing by Laura Thompson
Tales of the Dogs: a Celebration of the Irish and Their Greyhounds by Martin John
The National Greyhound Racing Club Book of Greyhound Racing by Genders, Roy
The Greyhound Owner's Encyclopedia by Ivy M. Regan
Greyhounds and Mechanical Lure Racing by Bracht, William
How to Raise and Train a Greyhound by Mueller
Selecting, Training & Racing Greyhounds by Burnell, Roy
The Greyhound in Australia by Agostini, M.G. And G. Collerson
The Encyclopedia of Greyhound Racing by Roy Genders
Racing Greyhounds From Whelping Box to Starting box by ?
The Ultimate Greyhound by Mark Sullivan
The Book of the Greyhound by Edward C.Ash
A Complete Study of the Modern Greyhound by H.Edwards Clarke
The Greyhound by Edwards Clarke
Title: Modern Greyhound Racing and Coursing by Roy Genders
Greyhound Racing And Breeding by A. Croxton Smith
Greyhound and Greyhound Racing, A comprehensive.... by Carlo Culpeper Clarke
The Modern Greyhound by H. Edwards Clarke
The Greyhound, Breeding, Rearing and Training by H.E.Clarke
The Greyhound: Training, management, Diseases by McMichan
Title: Care and Training Of Australian Greyhounds by Whyte, June
The Greyhound: Its Breeding Training Running by Hugh Dalziel
The Complete Book of the Greyhound in Australia by Editor Jack Woodward
The Care of Greyhounds by SMITH, A. Croxton
The Greyhound. James Matheson.
The Greyhound: Coursing, Racing and Showing. Edward C. Ash. .
In The Blood: book by Floyd Amphlet of the greyhound star
Talking Greyhounds by Linda Jones
The Reign of the Greyhound by Cynthia A. Branigan
The Racing Greyhound. Volumes 1 & 2. Drs. John F. Newell & Peter Yore. Racing Education Productions (1989)
Soundness Examination of the Racing Greyhound. Dr. Jim Gannon
Your Athletic Dog by Suzanne Clothier